How to uninstall / remove bloat from Sony Z5 Docomo SO-01H Japan smartphone on Windows 10 PC [No Root]

This is what I have done to uninstall the bloatware (especially the goat) in my Sony Z5 Docomo SO-01H.

  1. On your phone: For Omakosa Remote Lock and Remote Initialization
    Go to Settings>Lock Screen and Security>Deactive Device Administrator
    If this is not done [Device Lock Policy Error] .
  2. Also enable developer options by tapping the Build Number for 7 times.
  3. Enable USB Debugging from the Developers Option
  4. On your Windows 10 PC: Download adb installer here;
  5. Go to the folder Platform Tools, click SHIFT and right click inside the folder.
  6. Choose Open PowerShell windows here
  7. Connect your phone with the USB cable
  8. To detect your Sony phones, type adb devices. Your devices should be detected. If not, try type .\adb devices
  9. Check your Sony phone for prompt to accept
  10. Then type adb shell (or .\adb shell)
  11. Copy all these code (and BEWARE AS THIS IS NOT REVERSIBLE. But can still the reset)
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