BTH Close 001 FSP: What is it?

I have encounter a deposit (lucky me) with a code BTH Close 0001 FSP* from Maybank.

I wonder what this is. And then, I searched and read on forum and facebook page and found out that:

BTH refers to Batch

Close refers to the closing of the services / account

0001 refers to number of plan you use

FSP refers to Flexi Savers Plan that you have applied earlier.

In my case, I made a RM80/month deduction for duration of 12 month. As you can see, it made a payment RM886.36. Actually, I should get RM960, so, where is the other RM80?

As in the picture above, the last payment is quickly reversed for RM80. So, in the end, I actually get RM966.36. I guesst the additional RM6.36 is the profit earned for that 1 year I save.

That’s all!

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