Asus Zenfone 4 package content for Malaysia

I thought you might want to know the package content of Asus Zenfone 4. The package content here is for Malaysia market.
Here’s what you’ll get:
1. The phone
2. micro-USB cable
3. Charger (1.25A)
4. Two (yes TWO!) 1170mAH battery
5. IMEI Stickers
6. Warranty card and manuals

Headphone is NOT included!

How to disable vibrate on keypress on Android keyboard

Sometimes, some people just don’t like to have the vibrate feedback for each keypress that you make on the Android keyboard. You can use this method to disable keypress vibrate on Samsung Galaxy Note, Lenovo A880, A850, Vibe X, Vibe Z, HTC One and many more.
Here is the method.
1. Disable (untick) the ‘Vibrate on touch’ on general setting.
2. Then, go to Language and Input, choose Android keyboard and untick the ‘Vibrate on keypress’.
Note: on some phones it is also sometimes named ‘touch feedback’ or ‘haptics’.
Refer to the picture below for example of the settings.
Picture credit to Lenovo A850+ Malaysia Group on FB.

How to get top row keyboard number on Android phone without tapping the 123 key

This is absolutely possible with any Android 4.1 and above smartphones. You can get it for Vibe Z, HTC, Huawei Honor 3C, Motorola and many more.
Here’s how:
1. Download ‘anysoftkeboard’ from Play Store.
2. Install and enables it as your input method.
3. The click anysoftkeyboard settings.
4. Go to User Interface, Even More and choose top row to ‘number keys’.
5. Done!

How to downgrade Lenovo Vibe Z 3G Dual Sim K910 4.4.2 to 4.2.2

If you have the Lenovo K910 Dual Sim, you are in luck as you can downgrade the Android Kit Kat 4.4.2 to 4.2.2. NOTICE: THIS WON’T WORK ON LTE VERSION SINGLE SIM K910L!!!
Here are the step:
1. Connect your K910 to your computer and wait until it is recognized.
2. You should see it is detected as a drive. Click it and install the autorun for the driver.
3. Download K910_SS_S_2_040_0109_131226 rom and unzipped it. The link is attached below on SOURCES.
4. On your computer, you should see K910 is detected as media storage. Click it open and make a new folder and renamed it sdfuse. Put the
K910_SS_S_2_040_0109_131226 rom inside the folder.
5. Turn off your phone and unplugged it.
6. Push power + volume down until its vibrate. Then let go the button.
7. Use volume + and – to choose SD Update.
8. Choose
9. Reboot.
10. Finish!
K910_SS_S_2_040_0109_131226  ROM:…WTkbhbo%3D
If the link is no longer available, just search the rom on Google. Thanks.