Celcom Malaysia 3G MMS Configuration for iPhone 3G with Screenshot Guidance

Network setting page

Camera icon on the left side of the message box

1. Go to Settings>General>Network>Cellular Data Network.

2. Modify the settings to like below:

APN: celcom3g
MMSC: http://mms.celcom.net.my

Proxy MMS:

If you are using prepaid or Celcom line without 3g, this is the settings:
APN: mms.celcom.net.my
MMSC: http://mms.celcom.net.my
Proxy MMS:

After that, restart your iPhone.
If everything is okay, your iPhone will show the camera icon next to the message box whenever you open the message.

For more information, you can check out the settings at Celcom Xpax homepage here.


22 Replies to “Celcom Malaysia 3G MMS Configuration for iPhone 3G with Screenshot Guidance”

  1. thx for this.but my iphone still hv prob..i try 2 send mms to my friend,it failed.when i touched on the ! icon,it said to try again n i tried for 3 times but it still failed..

  2. i also have problem with mms…already done with setting and turn into 3g line but still cannot send and received mms..pls guide me..i'm new user of iphone 3g

  3. dyielachan, 3G or EDGE or GPRS will be enable when you try to send MMS. it is different than SMS which only use GSM.
    Firdaus, if can't send MMS, try to make sure your prepaid are able to send MMS, if not, you need to activate the MMS first.

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